Sunday, April 13, 2008

Introducing Myself

Hello, and welcome to Blackrock Pricewatch. My name is Gerbil, and i play World of Warcraft. My characters are Horde, and on the Blackrock PvP server. I have a number of characters which i play regularly, and have experience raiding as far as Karazahn and Zul'Aman.

One of my big interests in WoW has always been the auctionhouse. The damn thing always ends up stealing more money than i intend to give it, and i always spend more time than i intend just checking things out. So, i'm by no means an expert. However, i love trying to figure out trends and make a few gold out of exploiting them.

I'm not sure how successful this blog will be, as it's a fairly niche topic being covered. However, what i'm hoping for is to spark some discussion about sales trends in the auctionhouse, and also to see if we can spot some before they occur.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Hello! Popping onto your blog as you popped over onto mine. I'm not on BR myself but I'll keep an eye on this blog anyway. :D